6240 Procedure – Recognition Activities and Food and Beverages

Recognition or Reward Activities

District and school administration may conduct a recognition program of students, staff, parents and community partners. 聽Gifts of nominal value may be purchased, not to exceed $25 for one item per person, such as ceremonial certificates, loyalty pins, flash drives, etc. but excluding purchases of gift cards or other cash like items. Items of clothing may be purchased in partnership with outside funding sources.

District or school accounts may be used for these purchases with approval granted by the budget authorizer, e.g., principal and program supervisor. Exceptions are allowed if a grant or donation is received specifically for the purchase specified. In the case of a specific grant, the grant agreement with language specifying the purchase must be included with the purchase request.

Federal funds should not be used to purchase incentives or rewards without specific approval from the granting authority.

In limited circumstances, with principal approval, student incentives may be provided as part of a recognition or behavior program.


Food for District Events, Meetings and Recognition

Under certain circumstances when the district/school is deriving benefit and while in the conduct of district business, the district/school may expend funds for food and non-alcoholic beverages consumed by staff and others using the guidance below.聽 When submitting food and beverage expenditures for reimbursement, they must be supported by documents that indicate a) the occasion for the food expenditure, b) a list of participants involved, and c) an agenda when available.

Events: Reasonable expenses associated with ceremonies, dedications, family engagement and parent involvement, including parent teacher conferences, curriculum nights, etc., and open houses are permitted, provided the events are open to the school community or general public.

Meetings: Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be served at district expense when a meeting, interview, committee, study session or training session, including staff professional development days, continues through normal mealtime hours and will facilitate the continuance of the session with minimum disruption, and where making individual arrangements are not practical. 聽Expenses for food and beverage must serve a public purpose and should not exceed meal per diem allowances (same rate as meal per diem while traveling) except in circumstances where the event occurs at a commercial facility, e.g., hotels, convention centers and not district facilities. 聽When a commercial facility is used, the average per-person cost for food and beverage shall not exceed $60 per day without a detailed request supporting the additional cost, approved by the superintendent in advance. 聽Participants shall be restricted to officers, directors, staff members, presenters, consultants, volunteers, advisory committee members or others associated with the business of the district.

In addition, non-alcoholic beverages and light refreshments may be made available at meetings.

Recognition: District and school administration may purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages for student, staff, family and community group recognition using district or school accounts with approval granted by the budget authorizer, not to exceed $25 per person as mentioned in #1 above.聽 Refer to Policy 3440 for wellness guidelines when purchasing food for students.

Adopted/Previous Revisions: 08/15/08; 05/04/12; 05/17/13; 03/21/17
Updated: 04/20/17