5260 Policy – Staff Access to Networked Information Resources

With the infusion of technology throughout the work place, the district recognizes that employees are shifting the ways they share ideas, transmit information, and contact others.聽 As staff members are connected to the wider world, their use of new tools and systems brings new responsibilities as well as opportunities.

The district expects that all employees will use multiple communication tools and methods, such as e-mail, text, instant messaging, and phone calls, and apply them daily in appropriate ways to the performance of tasks associated with their positions and assignments.聽 Toward that end, the聽 superintendent/designee will provide staff with resources and/or training in the proper and effective use of available communication tools supported by the district.

The district encourages staff to make use of appropriate electronic resources to explore educational topics, conduct research, and contact others in the educational world.聽 The district anticipates that these systems will expedite the sharing of effective practices, lessons and instructional strategies across the district and will help staff engage with others across the nation and around the world.


Updated: 1/24/2017
Superintendent or Board Approved: Superintendent Approved
Legal References: Content

Management Resources: Content