3440 Policy – Food, Food Education, Physical Education & Physical Activity

The һapp commits to developing students who are “healthy and active individuals.” The food served in schools, food education for students, physical education classes and physical activity opportunities are all critical to honoring this commitment.

Food and Food Education

In Bellingham Public Schools, we encourage a lifetime of healthy eating by serving students nourishing, delicious, whole foods in a welcoming environment. Bellingham Food Services Vision Statement

Bellingham Public Schools recognizes the link between food served in schools, food education and students’ ability to learn effectively and learn to make healthy lifelong choices. Our schools model and actively promote good health and nutrition. When we offer food to students, we foster a healthy relationship with food.

We respect the human need to eat, to share meals, and to include food in our celebrations. Enjoying food together is a fundamental experience for all people and a primary way to nurture and celebrate our cultural diversity. These fundamental human experiences are vital bridges for building friendships, forming intergenerational bonds, strengthening core values, and promoting the general wellness of our community.

Physical Education

The recognizes physical education in the definition of a well-rounded education.

(National Standards for K-12 Physical Education)

Physical Activity

Physically active children are healthier children, and have a better chance of a healthy adulthood.  The recommends that youth engage in a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

Bellingham Public Schools has a ) that includes these components: physical education, recess, classroom-based physical activity, walk and bicycle to school, and out-of-school time activities.



Updated: 7/18/2016
Superintendent or Board Approved: Superintendent Approved
Legal References: Content

Public Law 108-265 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004
Public Law 111-296 Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010
42 USC 1758b Richard B Russell National School Lunch Act
RCW 28A.230.040 Physical Education—Grades 1-8
RCW 28A.230.050 Physical Education in High School
WAC 392-410-135 Physical education—Grade school and high school requirement

Management Resources: Content